Chaos in Milan
Edale Lane
Nightflyer Trilogy (3)
The Edge of Temptation
Peter Meredith
Villains Don't Save Heroes!
Mia Archer
Night Terror and Fialux (2)
A Night Too Dark (Kate Shugak #17)
Dana Stabenow
Kate Shugak (17)
Midnight Falcon
David Gemmell
Rigante (2)
The Shadow Matrix
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Darkover (25)
Water Sleeps
Glen Cook
Black Company : Glittering Stone (3)
Alan Dean Foster
Founding of the Commonwealth (1)
Faded Steel Heat
Glen Cook & Allan Pollack
Garrett, P.I. (9)
Inner Harbor: The Chesapeake Bay Saga #3
Nora Roberts
Chesapeake Bay (2)
Jennifer Roberson
Tiger and Del (6)
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter (3)
Fortress of Eagles
C. J. Cherryh
Fortress (2)
Clive Cussler and Dirk Pitt Revealed
Clive Cussler & Craig Dirgo
Dirk Pitt (16)
Mercedes Lackey & Larry Dixon
Owl Mage (1)
The Widowmaker Unleashed
Mike Resnick
The Widowmaker (3)
Bell, Book, and Murder: The Bast Mysteries
Rosemary Edghill
In the Heart of Darkness
Eric Flint & David Drake
Belisarius (2)
Lord of the Isles
David Drake
Lord of the Isles (1)
Sara Douglass
Wayfarer Redemption (1)
Vanderdeken's Children
Christopher Bulis
Iron Fist
Aaron Allston
X-Wing (6)
Wolf and Raven
Michael A. Stackpole
An Oblique Approach
David Drake & Eric Flint
Belisarius (1)
Carnivores of Light and Darkness
Journeys of the Catechist (1)
Legacy of the Darksword
Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickman
Darksword (4)
The War God's Own
David Weber
Bahzell (2)
Summon the Keeper
Tanya Huff
Keeper's Chronicles (1)
Mercedes Lackey
Vows And Honor (3)
Assassin's Quest
Robin Hobb
Farseer (3)
A Chill in the Blood
P. N. Elrod
Vampire Files (7)
Hung Out
Margaret Weis & Don Perrin
Mag Force 7 (3)
Daughter of the Blood
Anne Bishop
The Black Jewels (1)
Iain M. Banks
The Culture (5)
Wraith Squadron
X-Wing (5)
Prince of Sunset
Steve White
Prince of Sunset (1)
Keeper of the King
Nigel Bennett & P. N. Elrod
Prince of Dogs
Kate Elliott
Crown of Stars (2)
The Cat Who Sang for the Birds
Lilian Jackson Braun
The Cat Who (20)
The Cat Who Saw Stars
The Cat Who (21)
Neil Gaiman
The Devil in the Dust
Chaz Brenchley
Outremer (1)
Tower of the King's Daughter
Outremer (2)
The White Order
L. E. Modesitt, Jr.
Recluce (8)
The Spellsong War
SpellSong (2)
Burnt Offerings
Laurell K. Hamilton
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter (7)
Blue Moon
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter (8)
Sword in the Storm
Rigante (1)
Once Around
Barbara Bretton
Judas Child
Carol O'Connell
Fortress of Owls
Fortress (3)
Tiger and Del (5)
The Ship Errant
Anne McCaffrey & Jody Lynn Nye
Brain and Brawn Ships (6)
Storm Breaking
Mage Storms (3)
Marion Zimmer Bradley & Holly Lisle
Glenraven (1)
Mother of Demons
Eric Flint
Razor's Edge
Lisanne Norman
Sholan Alliance (4)
The Tank Lords
Hammer's Slammers (3)
In Enemy Hands
Honor Harrington (7)
The Widowmaker Reborn
The Widowmaker (2)
A Hero Born
Nevada Barr
Anna Pigeon Mysteries (4)
The Demon Princes
Jack Vance