"Kingdom" tells the story of Glasgow's first unlikely superheroes, from their lowly beginnings struggling against a crime-lord with his hands on the puppet strings of the city, to the interstellar mysteries behind it all. Due to the episodic nature of it's initial release, Kingdom is a fast-paced story from the explosive beginning to the climactic ending.
"Kingdom" began as a character driven episodic fiction project, with episodes released weekly in three seasons. This is the collected project, from prologue to epilogue.
"Kingdom" tells the story of Glasgow's first unlikely superheroes, from their lowly beginnings struggling against a crime-lord with his hands on the puppet strings of the city, to the interstellar mysteries behind it all. Due to the episodic nature of it's initial release, Kingdom is a fast-paced story from the explosive beginning to the climactic ending.
"Kingdom" began as a character driven episodic fiction project, with episodes released weekly in three seasons. This is the collected project, from prologue to epilogue.