Stars and Stripes Triumphant
Harry Harrison
Stars & Stripes (3)
Serpent Mound
Jasmine Walt & Ines Johnson
Nia Rivers Adventures (4)
Demon Bound
Caitlin Kittredge
Black London (2)
Kiss of Fate: A Dragonfire Novel
Deborah Cooke
Dragonfire (3)
The Mirror of Worlds
David Drake
Crown of the Isles (2)
Steven Brust
Vlad Taltos (7)
In the Hand of the Goddess
Tamora Pierce
The Song Of The Lioness (2)
Stalking Darkness
Lynn Flewelling
Nightrunners (2)
White Night
Jim Butcher
Dresden Files (9)
Proven Guilty
Dresden Files (8)
Death masks
Dresden Files (5)
Grave peril
Dresden Files (3)
Fool moon
Dresden Files (2)
Storm Front
Dresden Files (1)
Queen of Sorcery
David Eddings
The Belgariad (2)
Belgarath the Sorcerer
David Eddings & Leigh Eddings
Castle of Wizardry
The Belgariad (4)