Mina Wentworth and the Invisible City
Meljean Brook
Iron Seas (1.50)
The Scofflaw Magician
Honor Raconteur
The Artifactor (3)
Joust (The Dragon Jousters)
Mercedes Lackey
Dragon Jousters (1)
Breach the Hull
Mike McPhail
Defending the Future (1)
Son of Spellsinger
Alan Dean Foster
Spellsinger (7)
The Time of the Transference
Spellsinger (6)
Spellsinger: Paths of the Perambulator
Spellsinger (1)
The Paths of the Perambulator
Spellsinger (5)
Day of the Dissonance
Spellsinger (3)
The Hour of the Gate
Spellsinger (2)
Moment of the Magician
Spellsinger (4)
Hour of the Gate
The Moment of the Magician