Desperation in Death--An Eve Dallas Novel
J. D. Robb
In Death (55)
Black Hole Sun
David Macinnis Gill
The Shadow Matrix
Marion Zimmer Bradley
Darkover (25)
The Traitor Baru Cormorant
Seth Dickinson
The Harry Harrison Megapack: 11 Classics of Science Fiction
Harry Harrison
The Kilternan Legacy
Anne McCaffrey
Kiss the Goat: A Twenty-First Century Ghost Story
Brian Stableford
The Shadow Girl
Ray Cummings
Tama, Princess of Mercury
Robert Asprin & Phil Foglio
Myth (18)
Myth-Fortunes (Myth Adventures)
Robert Asprin & Jody Lynn Nye & Phil Foglio
Myth (19)
Thongor and the Wizard of Lemuria
Lin Carter
Thongor (1)