Nowhere to Run
Franklin W. Dixon
Hardy Boys Casefiles (27)
The Carpet People
Terry Pratchett
From Chaos Born
Michael R. Hicks
In Her Name: The First Empress (1)
The Illusionist
Fran Heckrotte
The Illusionist (1)
The Mercy of Gods
James S. A. Corey
The Captive's War (1)
Foundryside: A Novel
Robert Jackson Bennett
The Founders Trilogy (1)
Fortune Favors the Cruel
Kel Carpenter
Dark Maji (1)
Seven Blades in Black
Sam Sykes
The Grave of Empires (1)
The Long Way Home: A Chief Inspector Gamache Novel
Louise Penny
Chief Inspector Armand Gamache (10)
How the Light Gets In: A Chief Inspector Gamache Novel
Chief Inspector Armand Gamache (9)
The Cruelest Month
Chief Inspector Armand Gamache (3)
Dying Breath
Kory M. Shrum
Jesse Sullivan (6)
Castle Walls
D. Jordan Redhawk
The Curious Case of the Werewolf That Wasn’t, The Mummy That ...
Gail Carriger
The Parasol Protectorate (0.50)
Brandon Sanderson
Elantris (1)
Children of Earth and Sky
Guy Gavriel Kay
Ilona Andrews
Hidden Legacy (3)
White Hot
Hidden Legacy (2)
Fistandantilus Reborn
Douglas Niles
Lost Gods (2)
Lost and found
Alan Dean Foster
Taken Trilogy (1)
Dragons of a Vanished Moon
Margaret Weis & Tracy Hickmanmargaret Weis & Tracy Hickman
The War of Souls (3)
Make Room! Make Room!
Harry Harrison
The Dragon and the Gnarly King: The Dragon Cycle
Gordon R Dickson
Dragon Knight (7)
The Dragon on the Border
Gordon R. Dickson
Dragon Knight (3)
The Dragon Knight
Dragon Knight (2)
Imager's Challenge
L. E. Modesitt, Jr.
Imager Portfolio (2)
Sword of Avalon
Diana L. Paxson
Avalon (7)
Ancestors of Avalon
Avalon (5)
The Fifth Sorceress
Robert Newcomb
The Chronicles of Blood and Stone (1)
Power Play
Anne McCaffrey
Petaybee (3)
Dragonriders of Pern (2)
Catalyst: A Tale of the Barque Cats
Tales of the Barque Cats (1)
Dragon Harper
Pern (Publication Order) (20)
Dragon's Fire
Pern (Publication Order) (19)
Third Watch
Acorna's Children (3)
Acorna's Triumph
Anne McCaffrey & Elizabeth A. Scarborough
Acorna (7)
The Twins of Petaybee (1)
Acorna's Rebels
Acorna (6)
First Warning
Acorna's Children (8)
Second Wave
Acorna's Children (2)
Acornas Search
Acorna (5)
Acorna's World
Acorna (4)
Dragon's Kin
Pern (Publication Order) (17)
Pegasus in Space
Acornas People
Acorna (3)
Acorna's Quest
Acorna (2)
The Skies of Pern
Pern (Publication Order) (16)
Tower and the Hive
The Tower and the Hive (5)
Acorna: The Unicorn Girl
Acorna (1)
Freedom's Choice
Catteni (2)
Red Star Rising
Dragonriders of Pern (14)
Pern (Publication Order) (14)
Freedom's Landing
Catteni (1)
Lyon's Pride
The Tower and the Hive (4)
Anne McCaffrey & Margaret Ball
Brain and Brawn Ships (2)
The Girl Who Heard Dragons
Pern (Publication Order) (13.50)
Damia's Children
The Tower and the Hive (3)
The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall
Pern (Publication Order) (12)
The Dolphins of Pern
Pern (Publication Order) (13)
The Ship Who Won
Anne McCaffrey & Jody Lynn Nye
Brain and Brawn Ships (5)
All the Weyrs of Pern
The Tower and the Hive (2)
The Renegades of Pern
Dragonriders of Pern (10)
The Ship Who Searched
Brain and Brawn Ships (3)