S. D. Perry
Resident Evil (4)
Shards of a Broken Crown
Raymond E. Feist
The Serpentwar Saga (4)
The Sheriff of Yrnameer
Michael Rubens
Inside Straight
Mark Henwick
Bite Back (6)
Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter (2)
Witch's Business
Diana Wynne Jones
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
Harry Potter (3)
Artemis Fowl: The Seventh Dwarf
Eoin Colfer
Artemis Fowl SS (1)
Ptolemy's Gate
Jonathan Stroud
Bartimaeus Trilogy (3)
Johnny and the Dead
Terry Pratchett
Johnny (2)
The Lost Colony (Artemis Fowl)
Artemis Fowl (5)
Johnny and the Bomb
Johnny (3)
Kim Pritekel
The Maze of Bones
Rick Riordan
39 Clues (1)
Enchanted Glass
Alex Van Helsing: Vampire Rising
Jason Henderson
Alex Van Helsing (1)
Daughter of Smoke & Bone
Laini Taylor
Daughter of Smoke & Bone (1)
Days of Blood & Starlight
All That Glows
Ryan Graudin