The Rim Gods
A. Bertram Chandler
Andrea Cremer
Nightshade (1)
The Kingdoms of Dust (The Necromancer Chronicles)
Amanda Downum
The Necromancer Chronicles (3)
In the Company of Cheerful Ladies
Alexander Mccall Smith
The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency (6)
Robert Asprin
Phule Me Twice
Robert Asprin & Peter J. Heck
Phule's Company (4)
Phule's Paradise
Phule's Company (2)
Phule's Company
Phule's Company (1)
Sweet Myth-Tery of Life
Myth (10)
Myth-Ing Persons (Myth)
Myth (5)
Hit or Myth
Myth (4)
Myth Directions
Myth (3)
Myth Conceptions
Myth (2)
Phule's Errand
Phule's Company (6)
A Phule and His Money
Phule's Company (3)
No Phule Like an Old Phule
Phule's Company (5)
Dragons Luck
Griffen McCandles (2)
Myth-Told Tales
Robert Asprin & Jody Lynn Nye
Myth (13)
Mall Purchase Night
Rick Cook
The Wizardry Quested
Wizardry (5)
The Wizardry Cursed
Wizardry (3)
Wizardry (2)
Wizard's Bane
Wizardry (1)
Woken Furies
Richard K. Morgan
Takeshi Kovacs (3)
Altered Carbon
Robin Cook
The Empty Crown
Rosemary Edghill
Murder by Magic: Twenty Tales of Crime and the Supernatural
Damnation Alley
Roger Zelazny
If at Faust You Don't Succeed
Roger Zelazny & Robert Sheckley
Bring Me the Head of Prince Charming
Robert Sheckley & Roger Zelazny
Wizard World (2)
Prince of Chaos
Amber (10)
Knight of Shadows
Amber (9)
This Mortal Mountain
Sign of Chaos (Amber Series)
Amber (8)
Blood of Amber
Amber (7)
Trumps of Doom
Amber (6)
The Courts of Chaos
Amber (5)
The Last Defender of Camelot
Sign of the Unicorn
Amber (3)
The Great Book of Amber: The Complete Amber Chronicles, 1-10
A Night in the Lonesome October
Wagers of Sin (A Time Scout Novel)
Robert Asprin & Linda Evans
Time Scout (2)
Ripping Time
Time Scout (3)
The House That Jack Built
Time Scout (4)
License Invoked
Time Scout (5)
The Time Dweller
Michael Moorcock
A Messiah at the End of Time or the Transformation of Miss Mavis ...
The Dancers at the End of Time (5)
The End of All Songs (The Dancers at the End of Time)
The Dancers at the End of Time (3)
The Hollow Lands (Dancers at the End of Time, Book 2)
The Dancers at the End of Time (2)
Alien Heat (Dancers at the End of Time : Book I)
The Dancers at the End of Time (1)
The Blood Red Game
The Steel Tsar (The Oswald Bastable Series)
Oswald Bastable (3)
The Dreamthief's Daughter
The Dreamquest Trilogy (1)
Behold the Man
Breakfast in the Ruins
Winds of Change
Mercedes Lackey
Mage Winds (2)
Storm Rising
Mage Storms (2)
Wing Commander: Freedom Flight
Mercedes Lackey & Ellen Guon
Andre Norton & Mercedes Lackey
Elvenbane (2)
The Elvenbane
Elvenbane (1)