The Hunt
Heather Killough-Walden
Big Bad Wolf (4)
Roger Zelazny
The Fellowship of the Ring
J. R. R. Tolkien
Lord of the Rings (2)
Unseen Academicals
Terry Pratchett
Discworld (37)
The Approaching Storm
Alan Dean Foster
The Bridge Chronicles Trilogy
Gary Ballard
The Brotherhood of the Snake
Carmen Caine & Madison Adler
Return of the Ancients (2)
A Charge of Valor (Book #6 in the Sorcerer's Ring)
Morgan Rice
Sorcerer's Ring (6)
Fires of Nuala
Katharine Eliska Kimbriel
Chronicles of Nuala (1)
The Heart's Desire
Carolyn Kephart
Hidden Fires
Chronicles of Nuala (2)
Kotov Syndrome
Jr Tim Baughman
Charlie Romo
Orbital Envy
Mark G Brewer
Regan's Reach (2)