Alan Dean Foster
Spellsinger (1)
Book of Swords
Robin Hobb & George R. R. Martin & Scott Lynch & Garth Nix
Artemis Fowl: The Last Guardian
Eoin Colfer
Artemis Fowl (8)
Blood Rituals
Aoibh Wood
Cait Reagan (1)
The Case of the Late Pig
Margery Allingham
Campion (8)
Coroner's Pidgin
Campion (12)
The Crime at Black Dudley
Campion (1)
Death of a Ghost
Campion (6)
The Estate of the Beckoning Lady
Campion (15)
Flowers for the Judge
Campion (7)
Look to the Lady
Campion (3)
Tether's End
Campion (16)