Winds of Heaven
Kate Sweeney
The Quicksilver Court
Melissa Caruso
Stolen Magic
Stephanie Burgis
Unladylike Adventures of Kat Stephenson (3)
The Elves of Cintra
Terry Brooks
Genesis of Shannara (2)
1634: The Ram Rebellion
Eric Flint & Virginia DeMarce
Assiti Shards (4)
Proteus Unbound
Charles Sheffield
Proteus (2)
The Fortress of Glass
David Drake
Crown of the Isles (1)
The Hunters of Jundagai: Keys to the Dimensions Book 6
Kenneth Bulmer
Keys to the Dimensions (5)
Ring of Fire
Eric Flint & Mercedes Lackey & David Weber & Dave Freer & Andrew Dennis & Virginia Easley Demarce & Loren Jones & S. L. Viehl & Annette Pedersen & Greg Donahue
Assiti Shards (3)
Sight of Proteus
Proteus (1)
The Ships of Durostorum
Keys to the Dimensions (4)
David Weber & Eric Flint & Dru Blair
Assiti Shards (2)
Eric Flint
Assiti Shards (1)
D.O.A.: Extreme Horror Anthology
David C. Hayes & Jack Burton
The Wizards of Senchuria: Keys to the Dimensions
Keys to the Dimensions (3)
The Key to Irunium
Keys to the Dimensions (1)
The Rivers of War
Georgia on My Mind and Other Places
Two Space War
Dave Grossman & Leo Frankowski
Kren of the Mitchegai
Leo Frankowski & Dave Grossman
Tank (3)
Behold the Stars
The Best Horror of the Year-Volume Two
Ellen Datlow
Earth Blood and Other Stories
Keith Laumer & Rosel George Brown & Eric Flint
The War With Earth
Tank (2)
The Best Horror of the Year-Volume One
Tails of Wonder and Imagination
Song in the Silence: The Tale of Lanen Kaelar
Elizabeth Kerner
Tales of Kolmar (1)
Keith Laumer: The Lighter Side
Keith Laumer
Keith Laumer & Eric Flint
New Amsterdam
Elizabeth Bear
New Amsterdam (1)
The Wonderful Adventures of Phra the Phœnician
Edwin Lester Arnold
The Murder Mystery Puzzles of Edgar Rice Burroughs Vol.1
Edgar Rice Burroughs
The Lightship Murder
The Universe Twister
Lafayette O'Leary (1)
A Plague of Demons & Other Stories
The Year's Best Horror Stories 8
Karl Edward Wagner
The Year's Best Horror Stories (8)
Fire Stones
Kailin Gow
The Fire Wars (2)
The Boy at the End of the World
Greg van Eekhout
The Man-Eater
Greg Egan
Women in Deep Time
Greg Bear
Sleepside: Bear's Fantasies
A typical Day
Doris Piserchia
Wolverine's Daughter
Doranna Durgin
Seer's Blood
Queen of Angels
Quantico (2)
Anvil of Stars
Forge of God (2)
Changespell Legacy
Changespell (3)
Dunn Lady's Jess
Changespell (1)
Torch of Freedom
David Weber & Eric Flint
Wages of Sin (2)
Dinosaur Summer
Beyond Heaven's River
Ghost Music
Graham Masterton
Tarzan Revisited
Gore Vidal
Hour of the Gremlins
Gordon R. Dickson & Ben Bova
The Right to Arm Bears
Gordon R. Dickson
Dilbia (1)
The Human Edge
The Swordbearer
Glen Cook
Otherwhens, Otherwheres
John Dalmas
The Helverti Invasion
Lizard War (2)
Starfishers Volume 3: Stars' End
Starfishers (3)
The Lizard War
Lizard War (1)
The Lion Returns
Lion of Farside (3)