My Favorite Witch
Annette Blair
Accidental Witch (2)
Logic Named Joe
Murray Leinster
Naomi Novik
The Burning Page
Genevieve Cogman
Invisible Library (3)
Something Wicked This Way Comes
Ray Bradbury
I Am Legend
Richard Matheson
Brave New World
Aldous Huxley
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
Douglas Adams
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (1)
Mostly Harmless
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (5)
The Stand: The Complete and Uncut Edition
Stephen King
Jumper Cable
Piers Anthony
Xanth (33)
Two to the Fifth
Xanth (32)
Air Apparent
Xanth (31)
Enchanter's End Game
David Eddings
The Belgariad (5)
Perdido Street Station
China Miéville
Bas-Lag (1)
Children of Dune
Frank Herbert
Dune (3)
Heretics of Dune
Dune (5)
Chapterhouse: Dune
Dune (6)
Dune Messiah
Dune (2)
God Emperor of Dune
Dune (4)
Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
Philip K. Dick
Slaughterhouse-Five: Or, the Children's Crusade, a Duty-Dance ...
Kurt Vonnegut
The Hobbit: Or There and Back Again
J. R. R. Tolkien
The Lord of the Rings (0.0)
The Time Traveler's Wife
Audrey Niffenegger
A Clockwork Orange
Anthony Burgess
Fahrenheit 451
Dune (1)
To the Blight: The Eye of the World
Robert Jordan
Wheel of Time (1)
Shadow Puppets
Orson Scott Card
Ender's Game: Chronological Order (8)
A Game of Thrones
George R. R. Martin
A Song of Ice and Fire (1)
Terry Goodkind
Sword of Truth (11)
Stork Naked
Xanth (30)
Pet Peeve
Xanth (29)
Currant Events
Xanth (28)
Cube Route
Xanth (27)
Up in a Heaval
Xanth (26)
Swell Foop
Xanth (25)
The Dastard
Xanth (24)
Faun and Games
Xanth (21)
Geis of the Gargoyle
Xanth (18)
Roc and a Hard Place
Xanth (19)
Harpy Thyme
Xanth (17)
Demons Don't Dream
Xanth (16)
Question Quest
Xanth (14)
Isle of View
Xanth (13)
The Color of Her Panties
Xanth (15)
Man From Mundania
Xanth (12)
Vale of the Vole
Xanth (10)
Heaven Cent
Xanth (11)
Golem in the Gears
Xanth (9)
Dragon on a Pedestal
Xanth (7)
Crewel Lye: A Caustic Yarn
Xanth (8)
Night Mare
Xanth (6)
Ogre, Ogre
Xanth (5)
Centaur Aisle
Xanth (4)
The Source of Magic
Xanth (2)
Castle Roogna
Xanth (3)
A Spell for Chameleon
Xanth (1)
Ardor on Aros
Andrew J. Offutt
Super Powereds: Year 2
Drew Hayes
Super Powereds (2)
Super Powereds: Year 3
Super Powereds (3)