The Rim Gods
A. Bertram Chandler
Lord Darcy
Eric Flint & Guy Gordon & Randall Garrett
Flag in Exile
David Weber
Honor Harrington (5)
Luck in the Shadows
Lynn Flewelling
Nightrunners (1)
Wings of Omen (Thieves' World, Book 6)
Robert Asprin & Lynn Abbey
Thieves World (6)
Uneasy Alliances
Thieves World (11)
Thieves' World: First Blood
Thieves World (1)
Thieves' World
Thieves World: Wings of Omen
Tales From the Vulgar Unicorn
Thieves World (2)
Robert Asprin
Storm Season
Thieves World (4)
Stealers' Sky (Thieves' World 12)
Thieves World (12)
Stealers' Sky
Soul of the City
Thieves World (8)
Lynn Abbey & C. J. Cherryh & Janet Morris
Shadows of Sanctuary
Thieves World (3)
The Price of Victory
Thieves World (13)
Face of Chaos Thieves World #5
Thieves World (5)
Face of Chaos
The Dead of Winter
Thieves World (7)
Dead of Winter
David Drake
Blood Ties (Thieves' World, No 9)
Thieves World (9)
Blood Ties
Thieves World (10)