Life, the Universe and Everything
Douglas Adams
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (3)
The Disappearance of Winter's Daughter
Michael J. Sullivan
Riyria Chronicles (4)
A Dance With Dragons
George R. R. Martin
Song of Ice and Fire (5)
The Thin Black Line Between Infernal and Divine
Andrew Seiple
Cruel Zinc Melodies
Glen Cook
Garrett, P.I. (12)
Whispering Nickel Idols
Garrett, P.I. (11)
Angry Lead Skies
Garrett, P.I. (10)
Faded Steel Heat
Glen Cook & Allan Pollack
Garrett, P.I. (9)
Petty Pewter Gods
Garrett, P.I. (8)
Deadly Quicksilver Lies
Garrett, P.I. (7)
Red Iron Nights
Garrett, P.I. (6)
Dread Brass Shadows
Garrett, P.I. (5)
Old Tin Sorrows
Garrett, P.I. (4)
Cold Copper Tears
Garrett, P.I. (3)
Bitter Gold Hearts
Garrett, P.I. (2)
Sweet Silver Blues
Garrett, P.I. (1)