Honor Raconteur
Advent Mage Cycle (4)
Super Whost
Margaret St. Clair
The Empath (Above and Beyond #1)
Jody Klaire
Above and Beyond (1)
Dragon Ship
Sharon Lee & Steve Miller
Liaden Universe (17)
The Butcher's Bill
David Drake
Hammer's Slammers (3)
Hammer's Slammers
Hammer's Slammers (1)
Cross the Stars
Hammer's Slammers (2)
The Tank Lords
Counting the Cost
Hammer's Slammers (4)
The Sharp End
Hammer's Slammers (6)
The Voyage
Hammer's Slammers (7)
Other Times Than Peace
Hammer's Slammers (16)
The Complete Hammer's Slammers Vol 2