C. J. Cherryh
Foreigner (12)
Dragon Bones
Jasmine Walt & Ines Johnson
Nia Rivers Adventures (1)
A Princess Who Defied Kings
J. Kirsch
A Closed and Common Orbit
Becky Chambers
Visions of Power
Jeffrey Quyle
Ingenairii (1)
Preserving the Ingenairii
Ingenairii (6)
Rescuing the Captive: The Ingenairii Series
Ingenairii (7)
Ajacii and Demons: The Ingenairii Series
Ingenairii (8)
The Caravan Road
Ingenairii (9)
At the Seat of Power: Goldenfields and the Dominion
Ingenairii (2)
The Loss of Power: Goldenfields and Bondell
Ingenairii (3)
The Lifesaving Power: Goldenfields and Stronghold
Ingenairii (4)
Against the Empire: The Dominion and Michian
Ingenairii (5)
The Journey Home: The Ingenairii Series: Beyond the Twenty Cities
Ingenairii (10)