The Vampire and the Paramedic
Jamie Davis
Extreme Medical Services (0.0)
The Empress of Earth
Melissa Scott
Roads Of Heaven (3)
The Kalahari Typing School for Men
Alexander Mccall Smith
The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency (4)
The Third Magic
Molly Cochran
Forever King (3)
The Swords of Lankhmar
Fritz Leiber
Fafhrd and Gray Mouser (5)
The Knight and Knave of Swords
Fafhrd and Gray Mouser (7)
Swords in the Mist
Fafhrd and Gray Mouser (3)
Swords and Ice Magic
Fafhrd and Gray Mouser (6)
Swords and Deviltry
Fafhrd and Gray Mouser (1)
Swords Against Wizardry
Fafhrd and Gray Mouser (4)
Swords Against Death
Fafhrd and Gray Mouser (2)