Randall Garrett
Tim Curran
Delusion in Death
J. D. Robb & Nora Roberts
In Death (35)
The Tchaikovsky Affair
Marie Swift
Into the Thinnest of Air
Simon R. Green
Ishmael Jones (5)
Death Shall Come
Ishmael Jones (4)
Haunted by the Past
Ishmael Jones (8)
Buried Memories
Ishmael Jones (10)
The House on Widows Hill
Ishmael Jones (9)
Night Train to Murder
Till Sudden Death Do Us Part
Ishmael Jones (7)
Murder in the Dark
Ishmael Jones (6)
Very Important Corpses
Ishmael Jones (3)
Dead Man Walking
Ishmael Jones (2)
The Dark Side of the Road
Ishmael Jones (1)