Acornas Search
Anne McCaffrey
Acorna (5)
Shadow War
Deborah Chester
Ruby Throne (2)
The Generator: The Succubae Seduction
J. Sselxuyt
Stalking the Unicorn: A Fable of Tonight
Mike Resnick
The Wizard of London: Elemental Masters 4
Mercedes Lackey
Elemental Masters (5)
The Wizard of Karres
Mercedes Lackey & Eric Flint & Dave Freer
David Drake
The Ship That Returned
Brain and Brawn Ships (8)
The Ship Errant
Anne McCaffrey & Jody Lynn Nye
Brain and Brawn Ships (6)
Port Eternity
C. J. Cherryh
Age of Exploration (1)
Forge of Heaven
Gene Wars (2)
Foreigner (5)
Cross the Stars
Hammer's Slammers (2)
Foreigner (10)
Chanur's Legacy
Compact Space (5)