Jennifer Roberson
Karavans (2)
Swallowing Darkness
Laurell K. Hamilton
Meredith Gentry (7)
The Autumn Republic
Brian McClellan
Powder Mage (3)
Weapons of Ruin
C. L. Scheel
Talesian (2)
Lord of the White Hell Book Two
Ginn Hale
The Cadeleonian Series (2)
Lord of the White Hell Book One
The Cadeleonian Series (1)
Lying With Scorpions
Aleksandr Voinov
Memory of Scorpions (2)
Wicked Gentlemen
Memory of Scorpions (1)
The Dreamer, Her Angel and the Stars
Linda S. North
Champion of the Scarlet Wolf Book One
The Cadeleonian Series (3)
Xavier Axelson
Children of Forever
Forever (3)
Rak and Jisten
A. C. Ellas
The Dark Servant (8)
The Cost of War
The Dark Servant (20)
The Dark Servant (17)
Slavers, Guards and Bards
The Dark Servant (16)
Willingness and Nothingness
The Dark Servant (14)
A Chaos Temple
The Dark Servant (11)
Winter Solstice
The Dark Servant (1)
Revenge of the Vlakas
The Dark Servant (22)
Zotien's First Law
The Dark Servant (9)
The Dark Servant (6)
Chaos and Flies
The Dark Servant (5)
The Dark Servant (4)
The Great Rabbit Hunt
The Dark Servant (3)
Sex in the Sun Temple
A. C. Ellas & J. C. Ellas
The Dark Servant (2)
Road to Koilatha
Wings and Rites
The Dark Servant (10)
The Nightshade's Apprentice
Michael Offutt
Sword of Rogues (1)
Soldier Mine
Amber Kell
Thresl Chronicles (1)
Bonded Broken
Thresl Chronicles (4)
Prince Claimed
Thresl Chronicles (2)
Politician Won
Thresl Chronicles (3)
Rose Montague
Agamemnon Frost and the Crown of Towers
Kim Knox
Celia Cohen
Something So Grand
Lynn Galli
Blayne Cooper & Ryan Daly
The Catch Trap
Marion Zimmer Bradley
When Tony Met Adam (Short Story)
Suzanne Brockmann
An Oblique Approach
David Drake & Eric Flint
Belisarius (1)
The Walls of Westernfort
Jane Fletcher
Celaeno (2)