Brain Twister
Randall Garrett
Some Golden Harbor
David Drake
RCN (5)
David Isby
An Ancient Peace
Tanya Huff
Peacekeeper (1)
Sign of the Unicorn
Roger Zelazny
Amber (3)
The Courts of Chaos
Amber (5)
Trumps of Doom
Amber (6)
Knight of Shadows
Amber (9)
Prince of Chaos
Amber (10)
Wizard World (2)
A Farce to Be Reckoned With
Roger Zelazny & Robert Sheckley
Bring Me the Head of Prince Charming
Robert Sheckley & Roger Zelazny
If at Faust You Don't Succeed
Murder by Magic: Twenty Tales of Crime and the Supernatural
Rosemary Edghill
Wizard's Bane
Rick Cook
Wizardry (1)
Wizardry (2)
The Wizardry Cursed
Wizardry (3)
The Wizardry Quested
Wizardry (5)
Mall Purchase Night
Myth-Told Tales
Robert Asprin & Jody Lynn Nye
Myth (13)
Dragons Wild
Robert Asprin
Griffen McCandles (1)
Dragons Luck
Griffen McCandles (2)
Another Fine Myth
Myth (1)
Myth Conceptions
Myth (2)
Myth Directions
Myth (3)
Hit or Myth
Myth (4)
Myth-Ing Persons (Myth)
Myth (5)
Little Myth Marker (Myth Adventures)
Myth (6)
M.Y.T.H. Inc. Link
Myth-Adventures (7)
Myth-Nomers and Im-Pervections
Myth (8)
M.Y.T.H. Inc. In Action (Myth)
Myth (9)
Sweet Myth-Tery of Life
Myth (10)
Something M.Y.T.H. Inc (Robert Asprin's Myth)
Myth (12)
Myth Alliances (Myth Adventures, 13)
Myth-Fortunes (Myth Adventures)
Robert Asprin & Jody Lynn Nye & Phil Foglio
Myth (19)
Tales From the Vulgar Unicorn
Thieves World (2)
Thieves' World: First Blood
Robert Asprin & Lynn Abbey
Thieves World (1)
Shadows of Sanctuary
Thieves World (3)
Storm Season
Thieves World (4)
Wings of Omen (Thieves' World, Book 6)
Thieves World (6)
The Dead of Winter
Thieves World (7)
Soul of the City
Lynn Abbey & C. J. Cherryh & Janet Morris
Thieves World (8)
Blood Ties (Thieves' World, No 9)
Thieves World (9)
Uneasy Alliances
Thieves World (11)
Stealers' Sky (Thieves' World 12)
Thieves World (12)
Wartorn: Resurrection
Robert Asprin & Eric Del Carlo
E. Godz
Robert Asprin & Esther Friesner
Legends II
Robert Silverberg & Robin Hobb
Elderkings (1)
Assassin's Apprentice
Robin Hobb
Farseer (1)
Royal Assassin (The Farseer Trilogy, Book 2)
Farseer (2)
Assassin's Quest
Farseer (3)
Legends II: Shadows, Gods and Demons
Neil Gaiman & Anne McCaffrey & Tad Williams & Robin Hobb
Ship of Magic
Liveship (1)
The Mad Ship
Liveship (2)
Fool's Errand (Tawny Man S.)
The Tawny Man (1)
Golden Fool
The Tawny Man (2)
Fool's Fate
The Tawny Man (3)
Blood Price (BLOOD SERIES)
Blood (1)
Blood Trail (BLOOD SERIES)
Blood (2)
Blood Lines (BLOOD SERIES)
Blood (3)
Blood (4)
Blood (5)
The Last Wizard (Wizard Crystal)
Crystal (2)
Smoke and Ashes
Darkest Night (3)