The Scientere and the Captain's Case
K. Aten
Cyber Way
Alan Dean Foster
The Courts of Chaos
Roger Zelazny
Amber (5)
Shadow Magic
Patricia C. Wrede
Lyra (1)
Three Hearts and Three Lions
Poul Anderson
Makeshift Rocket
Hoka! Hoka! Hoka!
Hokas Pokas!
Poul Anderson & Gordon R. Dickson
Hoka (4)
Split Infinity
Piers Anthony
Apprentice Adept (1)
Gremlins Go Home
Ben Bova & Gordon R. Dickson
The Dark Lord's Handbook
Paul Dale
The Dragon Knight
Gordon R. Dickson
Dragon Knight (2)
The Dragon on the Border
Dragon Knight (3)
The Dragon at War
Dragon Knight (4)
The Dragon, the Earl, and the Troll
Dragon Knight (5)
Galactic Diplomacy
L. G. Estrella
The Galactic Peace Series (2)
The Hungry Dragon Cookie Company
The Unconventional Heroes Series Side Stories (1)
The Universe Versus Alex Woods
Gavin Extence
Spellsinger (1)
The Hour of the Gate
Spellsinger (2)
Lost and found
Taken Trilogy (1)
Star Smashers of the Galaxy Rangers
Harry Harrison
Bill the Galactic Hero
Bill, the Galactic Hero (1)
The Planet of the Robot Slaves
Bill, the Galactic Hero (2)
The Planet of Robot Slaves
The Planet of Tasteless Pleasure
Bill, the Galactic Hero (4)
Bill, the Galactic Hero on the Planet of Tasteless Pleasure
Bill, the Galactic Hero, on the Planet of Zombie Vampires
Bill, the Galactic Hero (5)
The Final Incoherent Adventure
Bill, the Galactic Hero (7)
The Stainless Steel Rat Goes to Hell
Stainless Steel Rat (8)
On the Planet of Tasteless Pleasure
Harry Harrison & David Bischoff
On the Planet of Zombie Vampires
Harry Harrison & Jack C. Haldeman Ii
On the Planet of Bottled Brains
Harry Harrison & Robert Sheckley
Bill, the Galactic Hero (3)
Frankly, My Dear
Sandra Hill
Creole Historical (1)
Exeunt Demon King
Jonathan L. Howard
I Hear Voices
Gail Koger
Distopia (Land of Dis)
Robert Kroese
Land of Dis (1)
The Gentleman
Forrest Leo
Coffin Dodgers
Gary Marshall
How to Succeed in Evil
Patrick E. McLean
How to Succeed in Evil (1)
The Science of Supervillainy
C. T. Phipps
Supervillainy Saga (4)
The Color of Magic
Terry Pratchett
Discworld (1)
Feet of Clay
Discworld (19)
Discworld (21)
The Last Hero
Discworld (27)
Night Watch
Discworld (29)
Monstrous Regiment
Discworld (31)
Discworld (34)
Making Money
Discworld (36)
Unseen Academicals
Discworld (37)
Morality for Beautiful Girls
Alexander Mccall Smith
The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency (3)
The Full Cupboard of Life
The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency (5)
Blue Shoes and Happiness
The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency (7)
The Atrocity Archives: Book 1 in the Laundry Files
Charles Stross
Laundry Files (1)