The Legend of ZERO: The Scientist, the Rat, and the Assassin
Sara King
The Legend of ZERO (3.10)
A Matter of Death and Life
Simon R. Green
Gideon Sable (2)
Personal Demons
Elliott Kay
Alex Carlisle (3)
The Spanish Pearl
Catherine Friend
Heaven Cent
Piers Anthony
Xanth (11)
Golem in the Gears
Xanth (9)
Dragon on a Pedestal
Xanth (7)
Crewel Lye: A Caustic Yarn
Xanth (8)
Night Mare
Xanth (6)
Ogre, Ogre
Xanth (5)
Centaur Aisle
Xanth (4)
The Source of Magic
Xanth (2)
Castle Roogna
Xanth (3)
A Spell for Chameleon
Xanth (1)
Ardor on Aros
Andrew J. Offutt
Super Powereds: Year 2
Drew Hayes
Super Powereds (2)
Super Powereds: Year 3
Super Powereds (3)