Demigod Down
Kim Schubert
The Succubus Executioner (2)
The Tethered Mage
Melissa Caruso
Swords and Fire (1)
Bleeding Hearts
Lindy Cameron
Kit O'Malley (2)
L Is for Lawless
Sue Grafton
Kinsey Millhone (12)
Cinderella and the Lady
KT Grant
Scandal in the Wind
The Princess's Bride
Sleeping With the Frenemy
The Princess's Valentine
Women of the Bite: A Lesbian Vampire Anthology
Cecilia Tan
I Kissed a Girl II: More Virgin Lesbian Stories
Kilt Kilpatrick & Fifi Bernard & Farrah Phoenix & Jen Bluekissed & Lucy Felthouse & K. Ann Karlsson & Alexandra Rowan & Inara Lavey & Elizabeth Black & Regina Perry
I Kissed A Girl (2)