Meljean Brook
Iron Seas (3)
Craig Zerf
The Forever Man (1)
From This Day Forward
John Brunner
Of Death What Dreams
Keith Laumer
Katya's World
Jonathan L. Howard
Cast in Courtlight
Michelle Sagara
The Chronicles of Elantra (2)
Enchanter (Axis Trilogy)
Sara Douglass
Wayfarer Redemption (2)
The Devil in the Dust
Chaz Brenchley
Outremer (1)
Bayou Moon
Ilona Andrews
The Edge (2)
The Drowning City
Amanda Downum
The Necromancer Chronicles (1)
The Bone Palace
The Necromancer Chronicles (2)
First Lord's Fury
Jim Butcher
Codex Alera (6)
Prince of Dogs
Kate Elliott
Crown of Stars (2)
Winter's Heart
Robert Jordan
Wheel of Time (9)
Lord of Chaos
Wheel of Time (6)
The Fires of Heaven
Wheel of Time (5)
Fortress of Eagles
C. J. Cherryh
Fortress (2)
Natural Ordermage
L. E. Modesitt, Jr.
Recluce (14)
Cursor's Fury
Codex Alera (3)
Arrows of the Queen ( the Heralds of Valdemar, Book 1)
Mercedes Lackey
Heralds of Valdemar (1)
Lois McMaster Bujold
Sharing Knife (3)
Sharing Knife (2)
Goddess of the Ice Realm
David Drake
Lord of the Isles (5)
Queen of Demons
Lord of the Isles (2)
Anne Bishop
Ephemera (2)
King of the Murgos
David Eddings
The Mallorean (2)