Witch and Wombat

Carolyn Cushman

Language: English

Publisher: Warner Books

Published: May 1, 1994


Over centuries, Hali has punished proud princesses, turned tough teens into toads, helped noble orphans on quest; the witch and her familiar, the wombat Bernie, have faced everything...except this.

Faced with a psychic energy shortage, a magic realm of sorcerers, dragons, and fairies must endure an invasion of tourists--from the mortal plane!

Now Hali and Bernie must guide two smug college boys, a plucky high school girl, and a totally obnoxious media critic through the perils of the enchanted forest.

But these mortals think they're in a computer simulated theme park, free to gripe at the ogres, harass the high elves, and taunt the trolls. They don't understand that the magic, monsters, and dangers are real.

And that in this vacation paradise, wannabe heroes can die...