Dark Communion

CJ Perry

Language: English

Publisher: UNKNOWN

Published: Oct 29, 2016


A cursed line of Minotaurs has kept Ayla’s people enslaved for 200 years. With nothing left to live for and a death sentence in her womb, Ayla trades her soul to a dark goddess for a chance to break the curse that keeps her people in chains. Armed with only her faith, Ayla and her brethren lead a revolution against an army of half-beasts led by the immortal son of the Goddess Herself.



FanGirlsReadItFirst.com  - Review by Domoni Greatwater

"The characters are strong and developed. The story is stark yet captivating. I have been surprised by this dark story... There were some surprises along the way that broke my heart and incensed me. But a good book should strike those emotional cords.  I will be interested to continue this series when the next book comes out."

From the Author

Ayla's story begins in her darkest hour. In the words of one reviewer: "I was emotionally spent by the end of a few pages." But as people, whether we choose to recognize it or not, our darkest moments help shape us into the stronger person we will one day become. Don't abandon Ayla in her darkest moments and you wont regret it. This is not the story of one girl's pain, but of her love, faith, and glory.