Girl on Geek: A Sweet Lesbian Romance

Mia Archer

Language: English

Published: Sep 9, 2015


*I felt like I was standing on the edge of a cliff ready to admit my own sexuality, ready to jump, but she seemed terrified of jumping with me.

What sort of future did we really have if she was too afraid to tell the world the truth about who she was?*

School, writing, and gaming. That's all Amber had time for, and not necessarily in that order. Romance wasn't a complication she needed, online or off!

All she wanted from life was go to her creative writing classes during the day and blow off steam role-playing with friends in the juggernaut online game Tales of Elassa at night. Love was the last thing she was looking for, especially with another woman!

Only life had other plans for the geeky gamer girl who closed off her heart. Because romance is coming for her in the form of Kaira, a strangely compelling woman she meets in-game who has a way of turning a phrase that goes straight to Amber's heart and heats her up in a way no man ever has online or in the real world!

But is it real? Amber's about to find out when her whirlwind online romance that spills over into the real world in a major way as she's pulled into a geeky Cinderella story at the biggest convention in the world with her mysterious online stranger acting as Princess Charming!

The geek girl wasn't looking for love, but will she let it in when it comes looking for her?
