Best Lesbian Romance 2012


Book 4 of Best Lesbian Romance

Language: English

Publisher: Cleis Press

Published: Jan 16, 2011


In this sizzling new treasury, erotica maestro Radclyffe has assembled over two dozen titilating tales of lesbian couples taking each other to new heights of happily bedded bliss. Imagination and experimentation are the key that unlocks the hearts of these lesbian love stories and every kind of love you CAN imagine are told in stories redolent of romance, risk-taking, and, even gobsmackingly surprising true love. There are virgins, long-time companions, and very memorable one-night stands.


"If you get your kicks off of stories that focus on the relationship and the sensuality of the two partners involved in the story, then Best Lesbian Romance 2012 can be just the erotic anthology for you. The stories don’t tend to focus much on the sex aspect of things, but many of the stories leave you with a warm heart, and the teasing and anticipation can sometimes be even better than the sex itself."
Pop My Cherry Review

"I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know each of the characters bit by bit. Seeing more of who they are through a clever line or a telling move."

"By turns passionate, varied, and endlessly delicious, Best Lesbian Romance 2012 delivers."
—SHE Magazine

"This is a collection to melt the hardest heart. These are romantic stories sharing the heart of our relationships and loves. The most wonderful thing about this collection of stories is their varying voices. Each story from each author has its own appeal – each voice is concrete and, most strikingly, each sounds so very authentic, wrapping the reader up in the embrace of its words, scenes and emotion. These stories are so convincing. It feels almost voyeuristic to be reading them – as though we have been allowed a very privileged position at the window to a private house, a private house where a variety of women – like the ones we know, or even the ones we might be – are finding themselves dancing that longest and most exhilarating of dances, romantic love."
—Kissed by Venus

"The collection does a good job capturing the dizzying sensation of falling in love, and Radclyffe’s curating does a nice job slowly raising the heat to a culminating sizzle."
—The Edge

"In this sizzling new treasury, erotica maestro Radclyffe has assembled over two dozen titillating tales of lesbian couples taking each other to new heights of happily bedded bliss. Imagination and experimentation are the key that unlocks the hearts of these lesbian love stories and every kind of love you CAN imagine are told in stories redolent of romance, risk-taking, and, even gobsmackingly surprising true love. There are virgins, long-time companions, and very memorable one-night stands."
—Erotic Readers and Writers Association

From the Back Cover

Happily Bedded Bliss

"Her mouth, the one I was so used to seeing smirking at me over some private joke, smiling during the rough times when only laughter could still the tears, that mouth with the full perfectly curved lips, wide and generous, came down over mine with a gentle certainty. God, she could kiss..." —Radclyffe, "Training Op"

Best Lesbian Romance 2012 celebrates the dizzying sensation of falling in love—and the electrifying thrill of sexual passion. Romance maestra Radcylffe gathers irresistible stories of lesbians in love to awaken you desire and send your imagination soaring. As Radclyffe writes, "within these pages are the reflections of our dreams, the memories of our precious moments, and the unique wonder of our special love stories."