Bill, the Galactic Hero on the Planet of Tasteless Pleasure

Harry Harrison

Book 4 of Bill, the Galactic Hero

Language: English

Publisher: Avon Books

Published: Jan 28, 1991


He's the perfect Spaceship Trooper: big, strong and completely brainwashed. He's the perfect hero: willing to do almost anything to save his own neck (perhaps one of the only body parts that's still his own).
Bill is in the hospital, vainly hoping for a real foot to replace the satyr's foot he's been lumbered with. Not that he has anything against satyrs - at least not until one grabs him by the foot and pulls him under the ocean into a world of unspeakable and endless pleasures!
Roaming this dimension of primordial desires, Bill faces dragons and gunslingers for the sake of true love - and a really good beer!