Alien Night on Union Station

E. M. Foner

Book 2 of EarthCent Ambassador

Language: English

Publisher: Paradise Pond Press

Published: Jul 13, 2014


Sequel to Date Night on Union Station - read that free book first!

Five years after the events of Date Night on Union Station, Kelly has settled into married life and her job as the EarthCent ambassador. The only fly in the ointment is that most of the aliens on Union Station refuse to talk to her. But a mysterious new game is sweeping the galaxy, changing the balance of power between species and bringing game-savvy humans front-and-center.

As the invitations to diplomatic functions pour in, Kelly finds herself struggling to understand exactly what's going on, not to mention finding babysitters on short notice. Fortunately, diplomats and alcohol go together like, well, diplomats and alcohol, and Joe has started micro-brewery business in Mac's Bones. The only thing left that could go wrong is a visit from her mother.


From the Author

Each book in the EarthCent Ambassador series is self-contained story, there are no cliff-hangers. My main interest in the EarthCent universe, aside from the relations between people, aliens and AI, is imagining what happens with species who have had access to high-tech for, in some cases, tens of millions of years. Do they continue to work? Do they continue to care? Do they die out, go back to nature, try to elevate themselves to gods? How do the nearly omniscient AI deal with issues like monetary policy and rental agreements?

Fans of historical Sci Fi are welcome to visit the collection of links to free works on Kindle I've curated on my IFITBREAKS.COM website. I thought "If It Breaks" was a pretty cool name for stories that mainly deal with the future. I can be contacted through the website as well.