ULTRA (The Last Hero Book 1)

Matt Blake

Book 1 of The Last Hero

Language: English

Published: Apr 26, 2016


The gripping first installment in Matt Blake's The Last Hero superhero series.

Eight years have passed since Kyle Peters lost his sister in The Great Blast, a catastrophic explosion that wiped ULTRAs from the face of the planet. Before that day, ULTRAs had been a part of everyday life, super-powered humans with extraordinary abilities. They were supposed to protect the planet, but too many went rogue.

Since the day of The Great Blast, the world has been free of ULTRAs.

Now, sixteen years old, Kyle Peters has never achieved anything in his life. He's a geek, he's awful at sports, and he doesn't have the courage to tell the girl of his dreams how he feels. His life is at a standstill, and it doesn't look like changing any time soon.

But when Kyle is caught up in a terrifying hostage situation, he discovers he is capable of amazing things: he has the abilities of an ULTRA.

Now, with a rival ULTRA devastating the planet, and the government keen to wipe all ULTRAs from existence once more, Kyle must battle his own fears and master his powers if he is to become what the world needs more than anything: a true Hero.

But Kyle fast learns that becoming a Hero is way more difficult than it seems in the comics...

ULTRA: The Last Hero is a gripping, fast-paced superhero/urban fantasy story, and the first in a trilogy. With lovable characters, nail-biting action and adventure, and thrilling twists and turns, ULTRA is sure to delight all fans of the genre.
