Malus Domestica

S. Hunt

Language: English

Published: Jul 21, 2015


It's been five years since Robin Martine's father threw her mother Annie off the second-floor balcony and broke her neck. Five long years since Robin was locked away in a mental hospital for telling the authorities that the murder was caused by a witch. A witch named Marilyn Cutty.Three years ago, a man named Heinrich Hammer came for her. I'll get you out of here . . . but you'll have to kill.Now a veteran witch-hunter and YouTube star, Robin has come back to town to settle up with the coven that stole her life from her. But she'll have to fight through Heaven, Hell and everything in between if she wants to free her mother's spirit from Cutty's soul-sucking apple tree and end the witches' reign over the town of Blackfield once and for all.