Knight (Celeste Academy Series Book 1)

R. A. Gil

Book 1 of Celeste Academy

Language: English

Publisher: Rocky F. Gil

Published: Mar 2, 2016


All it took was one pivotal summer season, while chasing a thief down the street, to get involved in something ancient.

Valeriana Kerrigan sets out one morning to see off her best friend when a thief coerced her to participate in a street chase. Instead of catching the troublemaker who stole her bag, she caught a woman in the middle of slaying creatures she called demons instead.

Valeriana managed to flee somehow, but when the lady appeared in front of her once more to demand for her assistance in hunting demons down, she knew she had no escape.

Involved in an age-old battle, Valeriana is drawn into the world of Valemnia and the celebrated Celeste Academy, wherein she was driven to start training as a knight herself and join its students in their demon-slaying excursions and combat duels.

Of course, she would have to keep in mind one, important fact.

In a world of magic, she’s the only human.


From the Author

Thank you so much for checking this story out! Writing this story has been very challenging for me and I'm thanking everyone who's been with me throughout the entire process--every agonizing chapter update and all until the book was finally finished!

This book and the entire series--the longest I've written so far. It's been inspired by other authors from other genres, especially in the anime and manga circle. So don't be surprised when you find elements of it here!

Thank you for sticking around!