Magic Games (Dragon Born Serafina Book 2)

Ella Summers

Book 2 of Dragon Born Serafina

Language: English

Published: Nov 30, 2015


Dragon Born mage Sera Dering was sentenced to death before she was even born. Condemned as an abomination by the world’s supernatural council, she has escaped her fate for twenty-four years by pretending to be human.

Until now.

When the council finds out Sera has been hiding her magic, they’re determined to find out why. They send her to New York City to compete in the Magic Games, a series of trials designed to break a mage’s mind and crack her secrets.

And the fighting pit is only one of her worries. An old enemy is stalking Sera from the shadows, preparing to make his next move. To survive the week, Sera has to trust dragon shifter Kai, the world’s most powerful mage—even knowing he has his own plans for her.

Magic Games is the second book in the Dragon Born Serafina urban fantasy series.

The Dragon Born Series

The Dragon Born series can be read independently or together. Author's suggested reading order:

  • Mercenary Magic (Dragon Born Serafina, Book 1)
  • Magic Edge (Dragon Born Alexandria, Book 1)
  • Magic Games (Dragon Born Serafina, Book 2)
  • Magic Nights (Dragon Born Serafina, Book 3)
  • Blood Magic (Dragon Born Alexandria, Book 2)
  • Magic Kingdom (Dragon Born Alexandria, Book 3)
  • Fairy Magic (Dragon Born Awakening, Book 1) ~ coming soon!
  • And more books coming later...


About the Author

Ella Summers has been writing stories for as long as she could read; she's been coming up with tall tales even longer than that. One of her early year masterpieces was a story about a pigtailed princess and her dragon sidekick. Nowadays, she still writes fantasy. She likes books with lots of action, adventure, and romance. When she is not busy writing or spending time with her two young children, she makes the world safe by fighting robots. Originally from the U.S., Ella currently resides in Switzerland. She is the author of the urban fantasy series Dragon Born and the fantasy adventure series Sorcery and Science.