The third book in the Pretty As She Dies trilogy follows Amaliya, who always believed she was destined for obscurity until she was brutally murdered by an ancient vampire and reborn as a powerful necromancer. Now it is up to her to save the world...
Amaliya Vezorak always believed she was destined to live a failed life in obscurity until she was brutally murdered by an ancient vampire named The Summoner and reborn as a powerful vampire necromancer. Now it is up to her to save the world…
The third book in the Pretty As She Dies trilogy follows Amaliya, who always believed she was destined for obscurity until she was brutally murdered by an ancient vampire and reborn as a powerful necromancer. Now it is up to her to save the world...
Amaliya Vezorak always believed she was destined to live a failed life in obscurity until she was brutally murdered by an ancient vampire named The Summoner and reborn as a powerful vampire necromancer. Now it is up to her to save the world…