Voice of the Chosen

Lawrence P. White

Book 3 of Spirit of Empire

Language: English

Published: May 16, 2012


Voice of the Chosen is the third book in the Spirit of Empire series. Readers are strongly encouraged to read the first two books before embarking on this third book. Struthers has suffered serious defeats at the hands of Terran forces, but he is fighting back. First on his list: convene the Imperial Senate, name himself emperor, and officially declare Imperial Forces in rebellion. To stop him, the Queen must present herself to the senate, but the meeting will be held on Triton, Rebel headquarters. It is up to First Knight Michael Carver to find a way to spirit her into the senate and back out again. Because she is the Last of the Chosen, his plan must be perfect. The meeting will take place in 18 months, a time which both sides will use to solidify their positions. Meanwhile, the Chessori know who it is that’s been defeating them. They have successfully dealt with emerging worlds in the past, and they fully expect to do so again.


About the Author

Born in 1950, I have been a pilot all of my working life and a writer for most of that time. I flew over 600 combat missions in Vietnam and have since traveled over most of the Earth flying private jets. About half of my career has been in management positions. If ever there was a case of life experience informing what a writer writes, I am that case. I have met people from all walks of life and from all over our wonderful planet, and I have liked almost all of them. It is only a small stretch for me to imagine liking aliens.