Politician Won

Amber Kell

Book 3 of Thresl Chronicles

Language: English

Published: Dec 2, 2013


The Thresl Chronicles:

*Thresls are rare shapeshifting creatures that can only be born on one planet in the universe. In order to transform from beast to man they have to bond with a human mate. Once transformed they are forever bound to the one they’ve chosen, however, sometimes what should be an automatic process turns into a traumatic event.

While mates and enemies battle for the good of the Thresls, the cat creatures themselves will ultimately have to decide if they want a planet of pure bred shifters or if they can make room for their half-bred children and stubborn human mates.*

Politician Won by Amber Kell

Book Three in the The Thresl Chronicles series.

Zander Elios only wanted his Thresl to transform into his mate. Little did he know that once the Thresl changed, Zander would be the one who had to make the most adjustments.

Zander had just about given up on his Thresl ever changing forms. After two years, the beast was still in his cat shape with no signs of changing any time soon. When his health becomes precarious and his Thresl shifts to save him, Zander wonders if he was truly meant to be a mate of one of these special shapeshifters.

As part of his new duties as ambassador to the Thresl king, he is sent to investigate the source of the Thresl smuggling. Unfortunately, when things go wrong they go very wrong and Zander’s Thresl, Leo, is kidnapped. It will take all of his love and diplomatic skills to find their way back together.

Amber Kell

About the Author:

Amber is one of those quiet people they always tell you to watch out for. She lives in Seattle with her husband, two sons, two cats and one extremely stupid dog.