
P. S. Power

Book 4 of The Young Ancients

Language: English

Published: Mar 13, 2012


The story continues.

In the nonstop action that is Tor Bakers new world, you'd think everyone would recognize that there's simply no time for a break. What with Larval assassins trying to kill him, stopping a civil war and now a new attack from Austra just to round things out.

But the Royal family and the Council of Counts doesn't see it that way.
After a few little traumatic and hectic events, they all agree that what Tor really needs is to relax and have some fun.

But, as always, someone else seems to have a different plan for him.

A very different plan indeed.

From the Author

Some people have suggested that I make life too difficult for my characters. If so, Tor is probably going to come and kick my hindquarters for this one.

On the good side, you get to just read about it! That's the fun part.

About the Author

I believe that magic is real. I don't mean "The magic of the heart" or "imagination". No, I mean real magic.

The question I have there is, as we learn about it and explain what it is, does it stop being magic and become science instead?

I think about things like that, so, there you go, that's something about the author.