
Brianna Sugalski

Book 1 of DisEnchanted

Language: English

Published: Mar 10, 2020


A Breton princess at the peak of the French Renaissance, Lilac lives prisoner in her parents' castle after a wicked secret is revealed on the eve of her tenth birthday soirée. Years later, her coronation ceremony looms, and between the riotous townsfolk and scheming nobleman bent on snatching the throne, Lilac prepares for the worst... Until a mysterious letter arrives from The Witch of Lupine Grotto, detailing a curious offer to cure her darkness forever.

Lilac begrudgingly trades her coronet for a cloak and ventures into the forest Brocéliande in pursuit of the impious enchantress at the edge of town. With only the protection of an inherited dagger—and unsolicited help of the sardonic stranger who inserts himself on her quest—she must traverse Brocèliande and return in time to claim her rightful position as sovereign monarch.

This is the story of a cursed princess,
A crestfallen killer,
The town that wants them to burn,
And the witch that can save them both.

Advance Praise for DISENCHANTED:

"Girl meets boy, girl turns out to be heir to the throne, boy turns out to be a centuries-old vampire…tale as old as time, right? Wrong. Sure, Disenchanted delivers all the explosive romantic energy you’d expect when a woman on a mission to save her kingdom gets mixed up with a reluctant bad boy bodyguard. But, Brianna Sugalski’s magical pen delivers so much more: adventure, intrigue, humor and the kind of deep and diverse world building that leaves you eager for more."

-Sean Gibson, author of The Part About the Dragon Was (Mostly) True and The Camelot Shadow

"Sugalski's skill with character development is masterful - knights in tarnished armor, monsters that cherish family, heartless vampires that need a hug, crazy witches, and royally intriguing wastrels - Who is good? Who is bad? What side will you choose? Humans? Darklings? Disenchanted is full of treachery, prejudice, disillusionment, and death - but it also embraces unlikely friendships, forgiveness, merriment and joy, beautiful landscapes, and love."

- Kristen, Whiskey & Wit Book Review

"Disenchanted by Brianna Sugalski is a bold combination of history and fiction, fact and fantastical. As if the upheaval of the French Revolution weren't already enough to ramp up the tension in any story, the addition of magic and our heroine's quest to save herself makes for a thrilling adventure that will leave you on the edge of your seat."

- Katelynn Watkins, Watkins Editorial Review

"Though the story is woven on the yarn of a political conflict, it's romance that stays at the heart of the book. Sugalski, with an exceptional eye for characterization and situations, creates an absorbing fantasy that's a delightful romance and a compelling coming-of age tale wrapped together. With its witty, sharp dialogue, crisp prose, and tight plotting, this impressive series opener has all the merits of a well-crafted fantasy. Readers who love medieval-esque fantasy will be greatly rewarded by this thrilling tale of magic."

- BookSiren, The Prairie Book Review

"Sugalski's writing is what predominantly adds the fantastical touches to this tale of risk and vulnerability. A lyrical prose coupled with vivid descriptions completely engulfs, effortlessly carrying away readers to another place and time. A straight-forward plot with the majority of its focus on the evolution of its characters transforms this epic romp into a very intimate illustration of personal growth and self-awareness. The mechanics used to build tension do so without flaw, which oftentimes had me audibly declaring "just one more chapter". It's easy to lose yourself in this world she's created, and I honestly couldn't ask for anything more."

- Justine Bergman, Whispers and Wonder Reviews