Robert Buettner
Orphan's Legacy (1)
Theater Of Cruelty
Terry Pratchett
Daughter of the Sword: A Novel of the Fated Blades
Steve Bein
Fated Blades (1)
The Never Hero: Chronicles of Jonathan Tibbs
T. Ellery Hodges
Chronicles of Jonathan Tibbs (1)
The Baron of Magister Valley
Steven Brust
Khaavren Romances (4)
Sethra Lavode
Khaavren Romances (5)
The Lord of Castle Black: Book Two of the Viscount of Adrilankha
The Paths of the Dead
Khaavren Romances (3)
Five Hundred Years After
Khaavren Romances (2)
The Phoenix Guards
Khaavren Romances (1)