Bright Star
Grayson Reyes-Cole
Champion of the Scarlet Wolf Book One
Ginn Hale
The Cadeleonian Series (3)
Indulgence in Death
J. D. Robb & Nora Roberts
In Death (31)
Ice Massacre
Tiana Warner
Three Days to Dead
Kelly Meding
Dreg City (1)
White Witch, Black Curse
Kim Harrison
Rachel Morgan (7)
The Outlaw Demon Wails
Rachel Morgan (6)
The Good, the Bad, and the Undead
Rachel Morgan (2)
As Lie the Dead
Dreg City (2)
Saint City Sinners
Lilith Saintcrow
Dante Valentine (4)
Dead Man Rising: A Dante Valentine Novel
Dante Valentine (2)
Working for the Devil
Dante Valentine (1)