Love Spell
Karen Williams
The Wishsong of Shannara
Terry Brooks
The Shannara (3)
Sharpe's Siege
Bernard Cornwell
Sharpe (20)
A Discovery of Witches: A Novel
Deborah Harkness
The Shewstone
Jane Fletcher
Shield of Fire
Boone Brux
Bringer and the Bane (1)
The Shining Ones
David Eddings
The Tamuli (2)
The Ship Errant
Anne McCaffrey & Jody Lynn Nye
Brain and Brawn Ships (6)
Ship of Magic
Robin Hobb
Liveship (1)
The Ship That Returned
Anne McCaffrey
Brain and Brawn Ships (8)
The Ships of Air
Martha Wells
Shiv Crew
Laken Cane
Rune Alexander (1)
The Shiva Option
David Weber & Steve White
Starfire (4)
Robin Cook
James Clavell
Asian Saga (1)
A Shoot on Martha's Vineyard
Philip R. Craig
Martha's Vineyard (9)
Shopping With the Enemy: (Annie Valentine Book 6)
Carmen Reid
The Short Victorious War
David Weber
Honor Harrington (3)
Shotgun Sorceress
Lucy A. Snyder
Jessie Shimmer (2)
Aaron Allston
Doc Sidhe (2)
Siege of Shadows
Lynn Abbey
Siege Perilous
Nigel Bennett & P. N. Elrod
Keeper Of The King (3)
Sight of Proteus
Charles Sheffield
Proteus (1)
Sign of Chaos (Amber Series)
Roger Zelazny
Amber (8)
Sign of the Unicorn
Amber (3)
The Silencer
Mike Ryan
The Silencer Series (1)
Silent Heart
Claire McNab
The Silent Speaker (Crime Line)
Rex Stout
Nero Wolfe (49)
The Silent Tower
Barbara Hambly
The Windrose Chronicles (1)
The Silent Warrior
L. E. Modesitt, Jr.
Forever Hero (2)
The Silicon Mage
The Windrose Chronicles (2)
The Silken Shroud
Elizabeth Gilligan
Silken Magic (2)
Rhiannon Held
Silver (1)
Silver Borne
Patricia Briggs
Mercy Thompson (5)
The Silver Chair
C. S. Lewis
Chronicles of Narnia (4)
The Silver Gryphon
Mercedes Lackey & Larry Dixon
Mage Wars (3)
The Silver Spike
Glen Cook
Black Company (4)
Silver-Tongued Devil
Jaye Wells
Sabina Kane (4)
Simply Human
L. Warren Douglas
Simulation: The Dawn of a Superhero
Sam Skyborne
Sing the Four Quarters (Daw Book Collectors)
Tanya Huff
Kigh (1)
The Singing of the Dead (Kate Shugak #11)
Dana Stabenow
Kate Shugak (11)
Sins of Empire
Brian McClellan
Gods of Blood and Powder (1)
Sins of the Angels
Linda Poitevin
Grigori Legacy (1)
Sins of the Demon
Diana Rowland
Kara Gillian (4)
Sins of the Son
Grigori Legacy (2)
Sins of the Warrior
Grigori Legacy (4)
Sir Dominic Flandry: The Last Knight of Terra
Poul Anderson
Technic Civilization Saga (6)
Skin Deep
Nora Roberts
The O'Hurleys! (3)
Skin Trade
Laurell K. Hamilton
Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter (17)
The Skrayling Tree : The Albino in America (Aspect Fantasy)
Michael Moorcock
Elric (11)
Skulduggery Pleasant
Derek Landy
Skulduggery Pleasant (1)
A Sky of Spells (Book #9 in the Sorcerer's Ring)
Morgan Rice
Sorcerer's Ring (9)
Sky Pirates: Book Three in the Chronicles of Light and Shadow
Liesel Schwarz
The Chronicles of Light and Shadow (3)
Slave, Warrior, Queen (Of Crowns and Glory—Book 1)
Of Crowns and Glory (1)
Slay Ride
Dick Francis
Sleepside: Bear's Fantasies
Greg Bear
Sliding Scales
Alan Dean Foster
Pip and Flinx Adventure (9)
Carsen Taite
Small Favor
Jim Butcher
Dresden Files (10)
Small Gods
Terry Pratchett
Discworld (13)
Small Packages
KG MacGregor
Smiler's Fair
Rebecca Levene
Hollow Gods (1)