The long–awaited conclusion to the epic tale of Mathew Lewin, a young man who is chosen for a remarkable destiny, in this final exciting installment from Mitchell Graham. It has been three years since we've last seen Mathew Lewin, who has been hiding incognito for the past few years in his long quest to infiltrate Teanna's palace and retrieve the ring. Now Mat finally has a chance to get close to Teanna and the ring, as an opportunity to become a fencing instructor in the Nyngary Royal Guard presents itself. But there is much danger in the world. The Orlocks are a rising threat –– now living above ground in total control of a third of Elgaria, they plan to divide between themselves the surviving countries in their quest to annihiliate all of humanity. Even with her ring Teanna knows she can't fight the coming battle alone and a strange alliance forms between her and Mathew as they team up with their allies, the Zargoth and Coribar, in the ultimate battle between humans and Orlocks.
The long–awaited conclusion to the epic tale of Mathew Lewin, a young man who is chosen for a remarkable destiny, in this final exciting installment from Mitchell Graham. It has been three years since we've last seen Mathew Lewin, who has been hiding incognito for the past few years in his long quest to infiltrate Teanna's palace and retrieve the ring. Now Mat finally has a chance to get close to Teanna and the ring, as an opportunity to become a fencing instructor in the Nyngary Royal Guard presents itself. But there is much danger in the world. The Orlocks are a rising threat –– now living above ground in total control of a third of Elgaria, they plan to divide between themselves the surviving countries in their quest to annihiliate all of humanity. Even with her ring Teanna knows she can't fight the coming battle alone and a strange alliance forms between her and Mathew as they team up with their allies, the Zargoth and Coribar, in the ultimate battle between humans and Orlocks.